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What is Character Development?
Character Development it's a process of building a character with personality and how "he or she" will react to obstacles internal and external, and how he changes by the end of the your story, then how your character need to looks.

Every character in first develop on paper, even 3D character (in first character drawing on paper, then modeling in 3D dimension).

But before you start develop your character on paper you need to know all information about character you develop, for example I will develop character to show you this process, in first you need to know who you need to develop:

You need describe your character like this:
- It's a young girl 10-yo, named "Jessie", she dressed in striped T-shirt, pink skirt, and jute hat, she is friendly and kind, if someone in trouble she trying to help him, but she little clumsy, and when she trying to help someone she mess up sometimes, and it's bothering her, and she lose some of her confidence, but every time through problems she found a way out, and gains more and more self-confidence.

So ... when you have a description of a character you need start thinking how character need to looks, just take a paper and feel your character and imagine ... don't spare paper draw many ideas and poses you need, the most important thing is that you are pleased with your result.

When you came up with character looks, you need create model sheet of your character, with many poses and emotions, and when you finish with model sheet, you can start creating character in 3D.